Leadership Personal Development

The Benefits of Engaging an Executive Coach

In This Issue

  • Benefits of Engaging an Executive Coach
  • Creating a Leadership Development Culture
  • International Coaching Federation Study
  • Famous Quotation: Tom Peters
  • Recommended Resources: Management Development
  • Free Virtual Workforce Development Showcase: "Engage, Energize, Connect, Adapt”

Three Surprising Benefits of Engaging an Executive Coach

Many entrepreneurs and business leaders engage an executive coach when they want to elevate their leadership skills and keep up with a constantly changing workplace. And while coaching can be incredibly helpful in the face of change, here are three benefits you may not have considered:

1. Combat executive isolation.

While most leaders initially turn to an executive coach to address a particular issue or further develop in a specific area, they may quickly realize that the coaching relationship can also help mitigate their feelings of isolation and loneliness.

2. Improve your thought leadership.

Partnering with a masterful executive coach can be an opportunity to further build your thought leadership skills. A highly credentialed executive coach can provide access to the tools and resources needed to best position yourself as a thought leader and establish a market-dominating position. Executive coaching can help entrepreneurs stay up-to-date with industry trends so they can become more knowledgeable about emerging technologies, best practices, and accelerate profit-generating strategies.

3. Elevate your executive presence.

Executive coaches can help business owners and entrepreneurs develop the skills necessary to project executive presence. This includes more effectively articulating ideas clearly, and utilizing body language so you can deliver even more impactful presentations.

Most leaders can use support in becoming better communicators and influencers. For example, a client recently used our time together to strategize, rehearse and receive feedback on presentations to their executive peers and board. Another used our time to reflect on the effectiveness of their one-to-one and team meetings.

If you’re still wondering whether to pursue executive coaching, consider that these are just a few of the hidden benefits available to business owners and entrepreneurs. Ultimately, you get out of executive coaching what you put into it. With the right coach alongside, you can become better equipped and more empowered to lead your organization toward the vision you had when you started your company.

Creating a Leadership Development Workplace Culture

In 2018, the International Coaching Federation (ICF) published a report titled "Building a Coaching Culture for Change Management" which aimed to explore the role of coaching in managing organizational change. The study found that 24% of organizations have a dedicated line item for coaching in their training budget. Also, 44% of high-performing organizations have made financial commitments to coaching.

The ICF report highlights the importance of coaching in helping organizations navigate change by providing support and guidance to leaders and employees. It emphasizes that a coaching culture can create a more adaptive and resilient organization and foster a sense of personal responsibility and accountability among employees.

Why are these organizations investing in coaching?

Coaching for leadership development is a powerful tool that increases the effectiveness of managers, team leaders, and members of their teams. Here are the top three benefits of coaching for leadership development:

1. Improved communication and problem-solving skills: Coaching helps individuals identify their strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement when it comes to communicating and solving problems. Through coaching, participants can learn how to effectively communicate with others and develop strategies for addressing complex challenges.

2. Increased motivation and productivity: Coaching provides individuals with the support they need to stay motivated and productive in their roles.

3. Greater self-awareness and enhanced emotional intelligence: Coaching helps individuals gain higher levels of self-awareness, leading to greater clarity and confidence. Coaching can provide continuous learning required to become more productive in their roles and create an atmosphere of trust and understanding.

Developing a Coaching Culture

Managers and team leaders have the greatest impact on the culture. By developing a coaching culture, organizations can set their leaders up for success and create an atmosphere of growth and development.

What is a coaching culture?

A coaching culture is an organizational environment where coaching is valued and integrated into the organization’s processes and practices—coaching is seen as a key tool for supporting employees at all levels.

In a coaching culture, coaching is integrated into the organization’s management and leadership practices. Embedding a coaching culture in organizations has proven to improve employee engagement and satisfaction, reduce turnover rates, and improve organizational performance.

In conclusion, we can clearly see the benefits of establishing a coaching culture in developing higher levels of leadership effectiveness. But, it takes a commitment to creating a coaching culture across the organization. It is important to recognize that coaching for leadership development is not just another program. Coaching must be integrated into the organization’s culture and requires a long-term commitment to its success. Doing so can help managers and team leaders unlock the potential within their teams. Then, you can maximize the returns on investment and create a culture that provides continuous growth and development opportunities.

Famous Quotation

“I am reducing my use of ‘customer service’—and increasing my use of ‘customer and community service.’ Actions taken by businesses should benefit direct customers and communities equally.”

— Tom Peters

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Recommended Resources

Teach Managers To Successfully Engage, Motivate, And Develop Their People

Everything DiSC® Management Profile can be used stand-alone or as a component of a learning experience that uses online pre-work, engaging facilitation with contemporary video, and online follow-up to create a personalized learning experience. Managers learn how to read the styles of the people they manage and to adapt their styles to manage and coach them more effectively.

Click Here to view a short video and request an informational brochure

Attend the Free Virtual Showcase “Engage, Energize, Connect, Adapt”

Discover how to enhance the ability of your workforce to engage, collaborate, and adapt in this volatile and uncertain reality.

Attend the “Engage, Energize, Connect, Adapt” Virtual Showcase

Wednesday, April 12, Noon to 1:00 pm Eastern Time

Click the Link Below to Learn More and Register for the Free Showcase

Click Here to Learn More and Register For The Free Showcase